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HomeNewsMeeting demand for things that keep you cool

Meeting demand for things that keep you cool

The value of home air conditioning is abundantly clear this week, in the heat and humidity.

Eric Langlois, sales manager at Gerry’s Enterprises in Cochrane, says the demand definitely increased last year, and so far this year.  His business sells central air conditioning from the mid-four-thousand-dollar range up into the six-thousands.

He says he has the stock to serve most needs, and installation is not a waiting game.

“A day or two right now,” he states. “If it’s a stock unit, we had some people in yesterday, and we’re installing tomorrow.”

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Langlois credits the quick turnaround to anticipating the demand after a busy 2023.

“There’s a lot of people now that I’m seeing (who) were holdouts before, saying ‘Ah, it’s only a couple weeks a year, it’s not worth the investment,’  where it’s now they can’t sleep.”

Langlois says heat pumps are becoming more popular. They heat and cool your home more energy- and cost-efficiently.

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