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HomeNewsCochrane Food Bank needs food

Cochrane Food Bank needs food

There has been an uptick in client numbers of between 150% and 200% at the Cochrane Food Bank.

Manager Ardis Chedore says more than ever, donations of food and money are needed.

“Right now,” she outlines, “we’re really in need of pasta sauce, we’re in need of diapers as always, all the different sizes of diapers, any kind of just-add-water products, so jellos and pancake mixes, things like that.”

Chedore also thinks a dip in donations might be caused by the request not to donate anything to the thrift store side of the operation while it gets new flooring.

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“It definitely has affected us in the respect that people think no donations in totality. But we’re just asking no thrift store donations until the 22nd of July, but we will need the food donations.”

You can donate food or money at the food bank between 10:00am and 4:00pm, Monday to Saturday.

Hear more from Ardis Chedore in the audio link below.

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