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Jeff Madden says he’s walking away proud after resigning from Iroquois Falls Council

Disappointment and frustration are why Jeff Madden resigned last week as a member of Iroquois Falls Council. in his second term. He says he can do more for the town not being a councillor.

Madden says the tipping point is his feeling that council will ignore the information on South Centennial Manor redevelopment presented by Randy Knox.  Madden calls it a signature project for the town.

He also accuses members of council – without naming names – of having personal agendas.  He points to the bylaw to prevent clear-cutting around Nellie Lake.  He says it wasn’t written by town staff, which examines all the implications, and passed as written by someone else. Madden was away at work and missed that meeting.

“I questioned council on that. I said ‘So you actually passed a bylaw that we did not get our staff to write or be involved in?’” he says. “The answer was yes. I just sat back and said ‘Wow!’”

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Madden says he at least got council to refer the bylaw to legal counsel for input.

Jeff Madden (Photo supplied)

He offers advice to anyone planning to run in the fall election.  Don’t let what people think about you bother you.

“Be honest with yourself and honest with the community. Don’t go in there trying to change the world, because there’s policies and procedures that have to be followed which some people on council don’t follow and it has to be addressed.”

Madden is following his own advice, knowing he made the right choices, and walking away proud.


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